Le Professeur Moreno est invité à intervenir au Webinar “Her 15 minute City” qui se tient le 28 juin 2021.
Présentation de Her 15 minute City”
At the occasion of the Gender Equality Forum, UN-Habitat and Global Utmaning are organizing a discussion on the 15 minute city and how it can promote more equal, inclusive and sustainable cities and societies through the participation of girls and young women and the use of the digital tools.
This concept developed at the University of Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne-IAE Paris and put into practice by the City of Paris, has spread throughout the world in recent years. Her City (https://hercity.unhabitat.org) developed by UN-Habitat and its partners is a digital toolkit for planning, designing and building cities for all through the participation of girls and young women.
Organiser and co-organisers: UN-Habitat with Her City partners Global Utmaning, Swedish Innovation Agency Vinnova, Block by Block Foundation, White Architects, Swedish Union of Tenants, MethodKit