Pr Carlos Moreno est invité à intervenir à la conférence Perth City Leadership Forum qui se tient le 5 novembre, Perth: the most sustainable small city in Europe – what will it take? (Part 1).
L’évènement se déroule en ligne du 5 au 7 novembre avec des keynotes, workshops et table-rondes.
Présentation de l’évènement :
The new chair of Perth City Leadership Forum, Mike Robinson, has long held the vision that Perth could become the “most sustainable small city’ in Europe. This online conference will bring Perth’s biggest employers, local companies, local organisations, community groups and our Local Authority together with international guests and national partners to advance this vision and help to deliver the Perth City Plan and our ambition to be Scotland’s first carbon neutral city by 2040.
The main programme of keynote addresses, workshops and panel discussions runs between 09.00 and 12.30 on Friday 6th Nov. The event is open on Thursday 5th and remain live until 17.00 on Saturday the 7th Nov.
With a keynote address from former mayor of Copenhagen, Bo Asmus Kjeldgaard, this first morning will be packed with workshops showcasing European examples of good practice on city wide approaches and sector based examples of a green future. We will also be introducing the working group leads who will be driving the Leadership Forum’s ambition. Our online event will remain live over two days for delegates to browse, network and exchange ideas at their leisure.
Four weeks later, on the 4th of December, the online conference will reconvene to focus on practical, hands on workshops to advance key themes for Perth’s sustainable future including innovation, transport, placemaking, food, environment, energy, resources, waste and fairness among other topics.