New Money – Carlos Moreno: Greece must change its tourism model (pics) – June 2024
“The internationally renowned architect describes why the current tourism model is unsustainable and how it can adapt to the demands of climate change”
“The internationally renowned architect describes why the current tourism model is unsustainable and how it can adapt to the demands of climate change”
“Ignore the conspiracy theorists — this much-needed planning concept can lead to a more sustainable, inclusive and healthy way of living”
Imagine you live in a town where everyday essentials like work, food, school, health care, and cultural activities all lie within a quick walk or bike ride from people’s homes. […]
UK health minister ‘spreading baseless claims’ by saying local council planned to restrict freedom to drive, say Lib Dems
” If you live in or near a city, how long is your commute? How close is the nearest school, the nearest supermarket, your park?
Carlos Moreno says […]
“Busan’s mayor is taking a collaborative approach to championing “happy proximity,” turning his city into a living laboratory for urban regeneration.”