VN – De 15-minutenstad: goed voor het klimaat, de samenleving en… doodsbedreigingen – May 2024
What have our cities become, transformed into places that have separated us from what is naturally connected? How did we get to this frantic long-distance lifestyle? How did we get […]
“Outlining the genesis and reasoning behind the concept and charting its global spread, the book is a lucid survey of Moreno’s urban thinking, which has become pervasive in planning and […]
“Lo dichiara Andrea Catarci, assessore capitolino alle Politiche del Personale, al Decentramento, Partecipazione e Servizi al Territorio per la Città dei 15 minuti”
“Un focus specifico è stato riservato ai progetti, conclusi e ancora in corso, portati avanti nei Municipi nell’ottica della prossimita’ e della citta’ dei 15 minuti. “