About Social Brain

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So far Social Brain has created 1581 blog entries.

Euronews – What is a ’15-minute city’ and how will it change how we live, work and socialise? – 17 september 2021

“Instead of cities with distinct districts for living, socialising and working, Moreno’s concept envisages the urban centre as a tapestry of neighbourhoods where all three functions co-exist.”

According to Moreno, the […]

2021-09-21T11:06:09+02:0021 September 21|Médias|

L’école de design Nantes Atlantique – La conférence de Carlos Moreno, pionnier de la ville intelligente, aux étudiants du cycle master City Design

Le 28 octobre 2020, les étudiants du MDes City Design ont eu l’honneur de pouvoir échanger à distance avec Carlos Moreno, directeur scientifique de la chaire ETI […]

2021-12-09T15:18:07+02:0021 September 21|Contributions académiques|
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