About Carlos Moreno

Professeur des Universités, Carlos Moreno est spécialiste du contrôle intelligent des systèmes complexes. Il est Conseiller scientifique du Président de COFELY INEO.

El Perdiodico – “Cada día que pasa dedicado a producir y consumir es un día menos de calidad de vida” – October 2023 (Spain)

En esta entrevista, Carlos Moreno, ideólogo de la ciudad de los 15 minutos, discute la viabilidad y atractivo de este modelo urbano. Moreno explica que la ciudad de los 15 […]

2023-10-31T12:46:05+02:0031 October 23|Médias|

The Guardian – Why health and wellbeing should be at centre of urban planning – October 2023 (United Kingdom)

The article discusses the critical role of health and wellbeing in urban planning. It emphasizes that the design and operation of modern cities have a significant impact on public health. […]

2023-10-24T12:39:13+02:0020 October 23|Médias|

Education for Climate (European Commision) – The 15-minute concept and the school as “the capital of the neighbourhood”, ft. Carlos Moreno – October 2023 (Europe)

Carlos Moreno has been featured in this new edition of the Education for Climate Coalition TALKS by the European Commission. Talking with Tremeur Denigot, Carlos Moreno explains his concepts, share […]

2023-10-13T17:14:31+02:0013 October 23|Médias|
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