L’eau et la nature en ville à l’heure du changement climatique (EN, FR, ES)
Water and nature in the city in the times of climate change
In France, the future is looking hotter and hotter. The most recent month of May was the warmest […]
Water and nature in the city in the times of climate change
In France, the future is looking hotter and hotter. The most recent month of May was the warmest […]
Découvrez l’interview croisé du Professeur Carlos Moreno, spécialiste […]
Digital Life, Urban Living and the Climate
This week the international conference on the economy and digital cities is being held in Montreal, organized by the Canadian Association of Administrative […]
Par Francis Pisani (@FrancisPisani) & Carlos Moreno (@CarlosMorenoFr)
Engagés depuis des longues années dans la transformation de nos vies dans les villes, au travers […]
Découvrez l’interview du Professeur Carlos Moreno pour Réseau Durable, un think tank numérique à but non-lucratif sur la révolution du secteur énergétique. Il apporte des réponses quant à la place […]
Today, globalisation can be found at the heart of hotly-debated issues throughout our society. Fundamental choices are now coming to the fore in numerous countries, including France, […]
Sensors, smartphones, connected objects… In the digital revolution, cities and their inhabitants produce a growing mass of data. A huge potential to deeply transform our cities, and the way we […]