Le livre “Droit de cité” disponible en livre de poche

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I am pleased to announce the publication of my book « Droit de cité, de la “ville-monde” à la “ville du quart d’heure” », on November 4, 2020, by Éditions de l’Observatoire.
It is an essay which takes you on a journey around the urban and territorial world in the Anthropocene era, and deciphers the key issues and the mutations accelerated by the urbanization and metropolization of the world, at a time when our life is threatened by climate change, human activity and new diseases.
I also have the pleasure of welcoming the preface by Richard Sennett, the afterword by Saskia Sassen and a small text following the introduction, by Edgar Morin, these three immense universal thinkers, who have enlighten my journey for so many years.