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Urban proximity and the love for places Chrono-urbanism, Chronotopia, Topophilia By Carlos Moreno *
Thinking about chrono-urbanism means questioning in depth what the city offers residents for the use of their life time. The legacy of Fordism, a lifestyle based on a very strong specialization, with a spatially [...]
Proximité urbaine et l’amour des lieux
Chrono-urbanisme, Chronotopie, Topophilie Par Carlos Moreno* Penser le chrono-urbanisme signifie s’interroger en profondeur sur ce que la ville propose aux habitants pour l’usage de leurs temps de vie. L’héritage du fordisme, [...]
The 15 minutes-city: for a new chrono-urbanism! – Pr Carlos Moreno
Our world cities, everywhere on the planet, concentrate time and again the core of human activity, but they are still driven by the paradigm of the oil era and its impact on roads and [...]