Le Blog
First session of the joint initiative between LiaLCity and INTA in Medellin (EN, FR, ESP)
In the run-up to Habitat III in Quito in October 2016, Live in a Living City and INTA (International Urban Development Association) will be organizing an initial brainstorming session on the Human Smart City at [...]
INTA and LiaLCity launch an initiative for Habitat III (EN, FR, ESP)
In the context of the preparation of the next UN-HABITAT world conference on housing and sustainable urban development, INTA, LiaLCity (Live in a Living City) and their partners are engaged in an initiative for Habitat III [...]
Smart Cities of paper… What lies behind the poster ? (EN, ESP)
The great Colombian master Gabriel García Márquez described in one of his novels ‘Death constant beyond love’, a senator, Onésimo Sánchez, who was running his electoral campaign in a dusty village, promising to defeat nature, [...]