Le Blog
Sydney 2030: a Remarkably Ambitious Plan (EN, FR, ESP)
As part of my weekly contributions to the topic of the Living City and my partnership with the Tribune on behalf of the Forum for Connected and Empowering Cities, I wanted to write a series [...]
Les acteurs mondiaux de la ville se réunissent à Bordeaux (FR)
Ce vendredi 3 avril aura lieu à Bordeaux le Forum Smart City Bordeaux Métropole co-organisé par La Tribune, Objectif Aquitaine et le Forum Live in a Living City. Introduit par Alain Juppé, Président de Bordeaux [...]
Climate: Towards a Commitment by the Mayors on an International Level (EN, FR, ESP)
The mobilisation of Paris and European mayors last week constitutes an exemplary initiative in the combat against climate change. The next stage we are calling for is a commitment by the mayors on an international [...]